Prafulta team, Matunga conducts a webinar for the staff of DBHS Matunga

Prafulta team, Matunga conducts a webinar for the staff of DBHS Matunga

Fr. Ajoy Fernandes, Director and his senior consultants at #Prafulta and Research Centre, Matunga conducted a webinar for our staff- teaching and non teaching – on Sat 19 Dec. 2020 (9.15 am to 10.30 am) on the theme, ‘Learning, unlearning, surviving and thriving’.

The team comprised
Ms. Payal Ubale, senior occupational therapist;
Ms. Srilatha Srikant, senior counsellor;
Dr. Fabian Almeida, psychiatrist
and Ms. Divya Nair, clinical psychologist.
Close to 100 participants benefited from this webinar where each resource person presented their topic for approximately 10 minutes of presentation.